What is the Caritas Cyprus STOA, you ask?
The Caritas Cyprus STOA, aka our Humanitarian Assistance Point in Nicosia, is designed to do the following:
- Provide basic items to those in need
- Promote volunteerism and community
- Let us serve as role models in the circular economy (reusing, repairing, recycling)

If you need help, we may be able to provide:
- Used clothing 👕👖
- Used shoes 👟
- Household goods 🍽️
- Baby items 🍼👶🚼
Our resources are limited, so we only agree to try to provide assistance after discussing your situation and determining that we might have something to help you. That’s why we have a special system in place and we ask you to please follow our instructions carefully. We don’t want to waste our time, or yours‼️
Step 1: Call our Caritas Center to tell us what you need and ask if we can help.
- Mondays – Fridays, 9am – 11am
- For English and Arabic, call 99 476101
- For French, call 99 601260
If we aren’t answering, please be patient ant try again. Also, check Our Schedule, which will let you know we are on holiday or closed for other reasons.
Step 2: If we can help, we will send you a text that will include:
- From Caritas
- We have items that you can collect from our STOA
- Our STOA hours
- Time limit for pick up
Be sure that you give us a phone number that is working and can receive texts! We cannot track you down if you don’t.
And please be patient. We won’t work faster if you call us every day. 🤷♀️ We promise that if we don’t have what you need but said we would try to provide, we’ll keep looking for about a month.
Step 3: Come to the STOA with your text message during the pick up period.
Important: Without your text message, we won’t be able to find your order and will ask you to come back! Please don’t come from outside Nicosia without an appointment. We’ll feel terrible when we have to turn you away. 😢
The STOA is located on Ayiou Marona Street. Click below for the Google Maps location.