Primary School registration for 2025-2026
Primary schools will start registration of children for academic year 2025-2026 from 13/1/2025 until 17/1/2025.
If you have school age child (see below), you need to contact the nearest school and submit an application.
Children who qualify for registration at Primary School level:
- born 1/4/2019-31/8/2020 will be placed in Primary School from September 2025.
- born 1/9/2020-31/3/2021 will be placed in Pre-Primary School from September 2025.
- born 1/4/2021-31/8/2022 will be placed in (non-obligatory) nursery school subject to availability.
See our post titled “Want to send your children to school?” to get the required forms and detailed instructions.
Note: You may be asked to submit the application electronically. If you have difficulties to do so, ask the school secretary to help you. If you miss the deadline, you may submit a paper version of the application to the Ministry of Education in your district.
Please contact us through our helpline if you have trouble. We will try to assist. We will also be collecting information on the difficulties that you face so that we can prepare more informative materials to guide you.