Having trouble with your housing benefits?
Did you know that as recipient of Material Reception Conditions (MRC) (asylum seekers) or Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) (including international protection holders) you will only get your housing benefits if your contract of rent has been accepted the department responsible for approval? You’re not alone. Many people are disappointed to see that their monthly benefits don’t include a housing allowance. Unfortunately, according to our Case Workers,
Welfare services will not pay your rent unless you can provide a long list of documentation.
Note: The Social Welfare Service administers MRC. The Welfare Benefit Administration Service, which is part of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, administers GMI.
Here’s what you need to do be sure that you get your housing benefits.
Submit a copy of your complete contract of rent to the appropriate service! It must include:
- Full details of the landlord: name, ID/ARC number, address, telephone number
- Details of ALL tenants: names, ID/ARC numbers, telephone numbers
- Full address of the property rented
- The period of the contract
- Total rent amount per month
- Signature of the landlord
- Signatures of all tenants
- Signatures of two witnesses and their names, ID/ARC numbers and telephone numbers
- Inland revenue stamps (they can be purchased from the Post Office), IF the value of the rent in the contract rental period exceeds 5,000 Euros (number of months multiplied by the total rent per month — not just your share)
You must also submit copies of the following documents with your contract.
- Title deed (ownership document of the property)
- An electricity bill for the property
- Owner’s ID
- Owner’s IBAN
- Power of Attorney (IF the owner appointed someone else to manage rental of the property)
- Permission to Rent (IF there are multiple owners, they must give written permission allowing the owner named in the contract of rent to rent the property)
Finally, if you are an asylum seeker receiving Material Reception Conditions, you will need to submit copies of the following:
- Owner’s tax certificate
- Owner’s electronic transfer authorization (SWS 201)
- Declaration of Rental Property Specifications (SYN 1)
Make sure you submit COPIES of the documents, originals should stay with you.
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